WAILING AND SHRIEKING by Sonya Young Long thin limbs…like twigs…emaciated and scrawny Jutting out arrogantly….from a gangly frame She enjoys the drama of thriving on self-destruct Victim mentality rules her life…blame, blame, blame Reliving old hurts over and over, adding new ones to the pile Bending the poor ears of all those willing to listen to…. the wailing and the shrieking…the self-pity…the woe is me! Copious glasses of cheap, sour wine suck the youth right out of her face and the calcium from her bones Cigarettes etch deep furrows on her blotchy skin Men are strangely mesmerised by the fragile brokeness of her…the endless theatrics and they forgive the harsh, abrasive laugh that leaps from the depths of her throat from time to time…bitter…ironic! Swallowing pain killers like lollies…barely ever partaking in a morsel of food….happy to starve her body and soul A stuck record bemoaning her fate over and over Ref...