1 five December two16— the PM key stops turning— resigns. 2 prepardernin Hindsight. tv cameras from helicopters, army supplies. the sluicing rains have closed the only functioning road. 3 located where I work, a landfill on a plateau, our store of clothing, blankets, was busted into (by my landlord, in fact, in his 4 x 4, to snap the chain off padlocks at the entrance, and through the broken gates the undressed evacuated backpackers that night the 7.8 charged bull-bar like from Waiau on through Culverden through gears of three dimensions beneath the white bull moon, screeching bull, roaring Kingswood stationwagon, 12.02 a.m., the sparsely attired people fleeing the sea-loud shore this almost Summer night, you will picture accurately tiptoeing in their cellphone torch lights over shards of shattered crockery and sets of glasses, mistletoe-remembered, frosted, shot-sized tumblers and shattered castle stacks of crystal from estates, four or five different languages, kicking thr...
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